authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Danny Rubyono
Verified Expert in Design

Danny is a visual and motion designer who has created promo videos for companies such as AT&T,英特尔,微软和威瑞森. 他也是杜罗公司的老板, 一个专门从事医疗保健运动图形的集体设计精品店, cyber security, finance, the military, 还有环境.




对网络的兴趣 video content is growing. In one study, 83%的受访者 说他们更喜欢获取信息或者 教学内容 通过视频而不是文本或音频. 随着需求的激增 增加机会 为有视频制作需求的客户提供创意服务.

在我超过25年的视觉和 motion designer我曾为包括AT在内的许多行业和大品牌制作过宣传视频&T,英特尔,微软和威瑞森. 在那段时间里,我学会了如何编织技术,概念和 创意元素 into cohesive and compelling messages that differentiate my clients from their competitors. Here, I share three formats you can use for almost any promo video project—along with my top tips for creating a promo video that connects with viewers and attracts high-profile clients.


宣传片展示产品或服务,以激励观众采取行动. 这些视频是直接的,有简短的易于理解的信息. While 没有完美的长度, a general guideline is to keep these videos under 120 seconds because viewers’ attention spans are limited. 创意人员面临的挑战是压缩我们的想法, graphics, audio, and animation 在这有限的时间里.

一种类型的促销,a 产品演示视频,通过关注特定的功能来展示产品或服务是如何工作的. 一个例子是我最近为Stanhope AI营销活动制作的演示. In this video, I attempted to convey a sense of the company’s mission: to build the next evolution of AI technology for military and commercial environments.

另一种类型的促销 explainer video, focuses on describing a company’s product or service and can be useful for showcasing a complicated technology and delivering short narratives. 对于大多数解释器视频,我使用以下流程:

  1. 直观地呈现问题.
  2. 为这个问题提供一个解决方案.
  3. 作为解决方案的结果,呈现各种结果.

我使用这种格式创建 explainer video with motion graphics and 角色动画 这是数字健康公司Prescryptive health品牌推广计划的一部分.

Demo reels, or teaser promo videos, are collections or series of your best videos and are an 重要组成部分 你的投资组合. The challenge in putting together a demo reel is cutting longer projects into short video clips of just a few seconds. 演示卷轴是实现一个很好的机会 less-is-more 制作宣传片的方法.


宣传片包含许多元素,包括颜色,色调或 value灯光、形状、空间、纹理、排版、时间和声音. Creating a compelling one involves combining these elements effectively to enhance the intended message. 下面的建议将帮助你做到这一点.

1. 限制项目的调色板. 套用美国设计传奇 Ivan Chermayeff使用太多的颜色和不使用颜色一样糟糕. Leveraging color well can be especially challenging if your content focuses on complex topics, 比如科学信息. 在这种情况下,我经常使用有限的调色板.

For instance, 当我为SandboxAQ制作解说视频时, 这个主题——密码学——很复杂. I knew that an elaborate color palette could distract viewers and make them less likely to follow the narrative. My strategy was to focus closely on the messaging instead of lavishly colored animations. To limit the number of colors introduced, I focused on the brand’s primary colors—orange and black. 我还使用了简单的图像来吸引观众的注意力.

SandboxAQ hired Toptal designer Danny Rubyono to produce a explainer video for its Quantum Threat to Cryptography online course.

2. 注重逼真效果. Designers 拥有一系列强大的工具,例如 Adobe After Effects 和Cinema 4D,这使我们能够应用惊人的效果视频. 挑战在于为工作选择合适的效果.

Stanhope AI’s mission is to build the next level of AI technology that can be used in military or commercial settings.

我的目标是选择反映我们在日常生活中所经历的效果. 这里有一个例子:斯坦霍普人工智能视频播放了大约五秒钟, 你会看到黑色, 方形电脑芯片,上面印着字母“AI”. 芯片分成两部分, revealing spider-web-like strands that are highlighted with tiny droplets of light—reminiscent of spider silk with dew on it, 这是我们在现实生活中都见过的. 给这个动画一个更有机的质量, 我使用了一种专业摄影师所熟知的视觉效果:浅 景深效应,这使得大部分的线和水滴变得模糊. 这样的模糊可以帮助眼睛聚焦在画面中最重要的视觉元素上, 在这种情况下,是线. 我发现这种技术对产品渲染效果很好.

从现实世界中汲取灵感不仅适用于 visual effects它也适用于音频和声音. For instance, 斯坦霍普的人工智能视频播放了大约25秒, 你可以听到无人机的各个部分连接在一起, 使用不同的点击声音. This is a subtle use of sound design that reinforces the believability of the animation. The clicking sound accompanies the clip of the drone and accurately reflects how a drone being assembled would sound. When video animation 在良好的声音设计和音频的支持下,它使项目更加可信.

3. 产生独特的纹理. Much like color材料和纹理可以唤起某些情绪. 是否选择金属材质的配合 高镜面反射 为了有光泽的外观或哑光的感觉, 关键是要让你的设计与品牌的基调和语言保持一致.

计算机生成的纹理和材料通常看起来是冷的或塑料的. But adding noise or grain to materials and textures creates a subtle imperfection that mimics how our eyes interpret light in the real world. 你可以在我的产品演示视频中看到这种治疗方法 ModBand project. Here, 产品有弹性, 石墨外观,向观众暗示,这是柔软和舒适的乐队.

本期视频为ModBand制作, Rubyono添加了一个微妙的噪音效果,使乐队显得柔软和舒适.

4. 尝试排版. Often, 视频文本的最合理的字体选择是无衬线字体, 哪个容易读. 但是,对于我从事的许多项目,我尝试将两者配对 typography 用视频的语气.

Consider my 有意识的星球 项目,它涉及几个复杂的层 animation,包括云层和鸟瞰风景. 在动画中, you zoom through the clouds down to the level of the trees (which includes a view of the underground root system). 还有一个额外的图层用于网格状图案的动画, 哪个代表NFT数字组件. 有这么多视觉上的东西, 使用无衬线字体是使消息可读的必要条件.

意识星球介绍登陆页面,Rubyono的公司, Duro Compagnie, 为阿尔特玛实验室设计的.

5. 使用时间和语气将观众与你的视频信息联系起来. 视频的时间或节奏可以成就或破坏一个项目. 例如,考虑一个主题在屏幕上的时间. The amount of time a particular subject appears in a video allows you to emphasize or diminish its importance. 当涉及到个人动画时, the actual timing of each animation is crucial because it provides an overall rhythm that supports the project’s intended messaging.

In my Prescryptive健康 解释器视频,我把项目分成两部分. The first half of the video visually presents the “problem”: that consumers lack choice regarding prescription medications. The second half focuses on how Prescryptive健康 provides consumers with more options for prescription medications. 我使用了两个关键元素——时间和音调——来增强构图的情感冲击力.

在上半场,个别动画的动作比较慢. For instance, the woman (who appears 25 seconds into the video) walks slowly and looks down at the ground. 我添加了各种深灰色的主体来增强这种阴郁的气氛, 包括女人头上的一朵云, shadows, dollar symbols, and a large, ominous figure.

当揭晓答案的时候(刚过00:50), 我巧妙地改变了一些动画的时间和色调. 例如,视频快速地从员工身边掠过. Additionally, I replaced the dark gray with white, transitioning to a bright and upbeat setting. 这不是一个戏剧性的变化, 但它有助于观众在情感上与我们想要传达的信息联系起来.

PointB, 波特兰的一家咨询公司, Oregon, 聘请杜罗为保护健康公司制作品牌包装. 交付成果包括这个品牌颂歌视频.

6. 找到一个结构和组成,扩大你的信息. 一个例子是我的 2022 demo reel, 它结合了我一直在谈论的许多元素, 包括时间, animation, texture, typography, composition, and structure.

这个演示卷轴的关键部分是它的结构, which is divided into three parts: The middle is a portfolio of my most important projects. 开头和结尾是我的品牌Duro的视频包装,由几个组成 3D animation segments. At the start, I generate some intrigue and suspense by showing clips that form one or two of the brand name’s letters (“D” or “U”). The mystery is solved at the end of the video with 3D animations that reveal the brand’s full name.


7. Test your video. 你怎么知道你的宣传片是高水准的? The best way to test the quality of your video is by hitting the “pause” button so that your screen displays a single frame. A well-crafted video will reflect the integrity of your overall project at any given point. I suggest doing this at several points within the video as it plays for the best results. 当你看着这些框架时,问自己:

  • Does this frame help provide a clear and concise message that customers can relate to?
  • 创意方法是否与品牌语言产生共鸣?


  • 这个视频可以很容易地重新格式化以适应不同的媒体吗, 比如登陆页面和社交媒体平台?
  • 视频是否包含有助于提高转化率的行动号召?



宣传片是正式设计元素的独特融合, storytelling, 以及鼓励观众采取行动的营销理念. These videos generate sales for the products or services they promote and improve brand awareness.

Successful promo videos are concise: They don’t burden viewers with detailed purchasing information. 他们还向观众展示了一个他们可以亲自联系的结果. 观众有需求,而最令人信服的视频展示了如何满足这些需求. Use these tips on your next project to create a promo video that will send your client’s brand soaring.


  • 如何制作一个好的宣传片?

    制作一个有效的宣传片有几个要素, 包括时间, animation, texture, typography, composition, and structure. A good promo video will combine these elements effectively and move viewers to action.

  • 宣传片应该有多长?

    成功的宣传片一般不超过120秒. 限制长度很重要,因为观众的注意力是有限的.

  • 为什么宣传视频很重要?

    Promo videos are important because they clarify the value of products and services and help drive sales. They are also a useful way to increase brand awareness and communicate new and updated product offerings.

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Danny Rubyono

Danny Rubyono

Verified Expert in Design




Danny is a visual and motion designer who has created promo videos for companies such as AT&T,英特尔,微软和威瑞森. 他也是杜罗公司的老板, 一个专门从事医疗保健运动图形的集体设计精品店, cyber security, finance, the military, 还有环境.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.





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